Monday, 30 November 2015


- Lawyer: A person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law or to advise or act for them in other legal matters.
- Policeman: A member of a police force.
- Judge: A public officer with the authority to hear and decide cases in a court of law.
- Politicians: One who is active in politics, as a career.
- Thief: One who steals, secretly.
- Criminals: Of the nature of or involving crime:
- Crime: An action considered harmful to the public good and legally prohibited.
- Murder: The unlawful killing of a person, esp. when done deliberately.
- Steal: To take (the property of another) without permission or right, esp. secretly or by force.
- Rob: To take something by unlawful force.
- Mugger: A person who mugs, one who assaults a person in order to rob him or her.
- Pickpocket: One who steals from the pockets of people, as in a crowded public place.
- Kidnapper: To carry off (a person) by force or trickery, esp. for use as a hostage or to get money.
- Hijack: To seize (an airplane or other vehicle) by threat or by force, esp. for ransom or political aims.
- Hooligans: A young hoodlum.
- Handcuffs: A metal ring that can be locked around a prisoner's wrist, usually one of a pair connected by a chain or bar.
- Burglar: One who commits burglary.

- Bark: The sharp cry of a dog, fox, or similar animal.

- Spread: To stretch out, esp. over a flat surface.
- Fields: A piece of open or cleared land, esp. one suitable for pasture or growing things.
- Come in: To arrive.
- Roof: The outside, upper covering of a building.
- Drown: To (cause to) die from being put under water.
- Lead: To go before or with to show the way; conduct or escort.
- Shock: A sudden disturbance of the mind or the feelings, due to something unpleasant and unexpected.
- Huge: Extraordinarily large in size, weight, quantity, or area, gigantic. 
- Flames: A portion of burning gas or vapor.
- Smoke: The visible vapor and gases given off by a burning substance.
- Thick: Having a great distance from one surface to the opposite.
- Unable: Lacking the necessary power, ability, competence, time, etc.
- Extinguish: To cause to stop burning.
- Break out: An escape from prison or confinement.
- Ash: (Pieces of) the gray or black powdery matter that remains after burning.
- Collapse: To fall or cave in; crumble suddenly.
- Trapped: An apparatus for catching birds or other animals.
- Search for: To go or look through (a place, area, etc.) carefully in order to find something missing or lost.
- Aid: To provide support (for) or relief (to); help.
- First aid kit: A box containing equipment needed to give immediate medical help in an emergency.

Thursday, 19 November 2015


- Wrap: To enclose or cover in something wound or folded about.
- Shepherd: A person who herds, tends, and guards sheep.
- Rotten: Spoiled, as from decay, putrid.
- Darkness: Gloomy, cheerless, dismal.
- Dawn: The first appearance of daylight in the morning, day break, sunrise.
- Single ticket: A ticket entitling a passenger to travel only to his destination, without returning.
- Return ticket: A ticket entitling to travel to travel to his destination and back again. 
- Squeeze: To apply pressure to something in order to force out juice, sap, or the like.
- Enroll: To write the name of a person in a roll or register, place upon a list, register. 

Thursday, 22 October 2015


- Brackish: Slightly salty or briny.
- Valley Girl: Is a stereotype depicting a  socio-economic  class of women Characterized by the colloquial  Californian English dialect  Valley Speak  and vapid  materialism .
- Beaver: That a large rodent lives in water, having webbed hind feet and a large flat tail.
- Lord: A person who has authority, control, or power over others master or ruler.
- Luggage: Suitcases, trunks, etc.
- Mobile home: A large trailer, fitted parts for connection to utilities, permanent site and that is used the ace to residence. Also called manufactured home. 
- Fares: The price of traveling in a bus, airplane, or other carrier.
- Duty- free: Relating to, or being a region or establishment in which imported goods are except from customs duties.
- Accommodation: Anything that supplies a need, want, please, convenience, etc.
- Rascal: A dishonest person.
- Turf: A layer of matted grass and earth formed by plant roots.
- Sprained:  to overstrain or twist (the ligaments around a joint) so as to injure without a fracture or break.
- Twisted: To combine, as several strands, by winding together, intertwine. 
- Crutch: In staff or support to assist a person in walking, usually having a crosspiece at one end to fit under the armpit.
- Posh: Stylishly elegant, grand, luxurious.

Monday, 5 October 2015


- Coach: A bus, especially one designed for long-distance passenger service. 
- Landmark: A feature in the landscape or an object in an area that is easily noticed or that serves as a guide, as to ships at sea or to travelers on a road. 
- Hazelnut: The nut os the hazel, filbert. 
- Seemingly: Apparently, evidently. 
- Noticed: To become aware of or pay attention to; observe; note.
- Typewriter: A machine for writing in characters similar to printers’ types by pressing the letters of a keyboard. 
- To stumble: To strike the food against something, as in running, so as trip or fall. 
- To scamper: To run or go hastily.
- Roast: To cook (food) by direct, dry heat, as in an oven. 
- Blooper: A set of garments the same color, material,or fabric, typically trousers or a skirt, a jacket, and sometimes vest. 
- Wheat: The grain of cereal grass used in the form of flour.